WISHH Perspectives

WISHH, USDA & Strategic Partner Demonstrate U.S. Soy for School Meals

A man speaks to a group seated at a table with a PowerPoint presentation behind him.
Alan Ayapan, a vice president of longtime WISHH partner Alimentos S.A., speaks with school meal officials from the Dominican Republic on the benefits of soy-based products for school children. USDA’s Foreign Agricultural Service and the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture hosted the study group and invited WISHH to organize the educational session that resulted in a request for an in-country demonstration of school meal foods made with U.S. Soy.

USDA’s Foreign Agricultural Service recognized ASA’s World Initiative for Soy in Human Health’s role in introducing U.S. soy for nutritious global school meals by inviting WISHH to make a Sept. 27 presentation to the Institute of Student Welfare of the Ministry of Education of the Dominican Republic at USDA headquarters in Washington, DC. USDA and the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture partnered on the U.S. study tour to advance food security in the Caribbean nation. As a result, the school meal leaders requested future discussion and demonstrations in their country.

WISHH strategic partner, Alimentos S.A., sent a vice president from its Guatemalan-based headquarters to join WISHH at the presentation.  Alimentos’ Alan Ayapan explained that Alimentos imports U.S. soy and provided a tasting of many of the protein-rich products it manufactures for school meals programs across Central America. Alimentos also sells to major food suppliers in the United States as well as to the United Nations World Food Programme. He noted that its products, such as Incaparina, are packed with vitamins and other nutrients as well as U.S. soy and fit well with school meal budgets. Additionally, Ayapan explained the research that Alimentos uses that shows its products are popular with school children and how these school meals are linked to increased attendance rates.

The school meal leaders responded that they were pleased that the soy-based foods tasted so good at the same time they are nutritious, low in sugar and affordable. They invited Alimentos to come to the Dominican Republic to do an in-country demonstration. WISHH representatives will further support the discussions.

With a set of doors behind him, a man stands at the end of a long rectangular table to address a group of people sitting around the table.
USDA FAS Senior Director, Agricultural Economic Development Division, Global Programs Otto Gonzalez, Ph.D. notes the value of partnership with organizations, such as WISHH, while addressing school meal officials from the Dominican Republic.

To conclude the meeting, FAS Senior Director, Agricultural Economic Development Division, Global Programs Otto Gonzalez, Ph.D. addressed the attendees. He noted that collaborations between organizations and strategic partners like WISHH uplift USDA’s goal to boost food security worldwide.

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