WISHH Celebrates Cambodian High School Aquaculture Learning on International Youth Day
ASA/WISHH recognizes the exciting real-world aquaculture learning at Raksmeay Sophonna High School in the Kampong Thom Province. WISHH’s collaboration with the Cambodian high school technology park supports the 2022 International Youth Day theme of “Intergenerational Solidarity” across generations for sustainable
ASA/WISHH Shares Update on Aquaculture and U.S. Soy’s Presence Worldwide
ASA/WISHH Executive Director Gena Perry joined Ag News Daily Podcast to recap WISHH’s recent trip to Cambodia, advances in aquaculture, and the role U.S. soy plays in global food security. Perry updated the audience on WISHH’s overall goals and how
ASA/WISHH Updates Foreign Agricultural Service on Activities
ASA’s WISHH Program Committee farmer leaders and WISHH staff today briefed USDA’s Foreign Agricultural Service in Washington, D.C. on WISHH’s results and how the strong relationship with USDA connects trade and development for U.S. soybean growers. FAS Administrator Daniel Whitley
WISHH and Kansas Soybean Commission Continue Busy Summer of Trade Teams
ASA’s World Initiative for Soy in Human Health Program continued a busy summer of trade team travel in June as strategic partners and entrepreneurs from Asia and sub-Saharan African visited with U.S. soybean growers, attended training programs, and exchanged information
U.S. Soybean Leaders See Success in Cambodian Aquaculture & Feed Growth
U.S. soybean leaders are in Cambodia this week witnessing the progress that ASA/WISHH and strategic partners have made to grow the Cambodian aquaculture industry and its use of soy in aquaculture feeds that contribute to a safe and sustainable supply