WISHH Nigerian Feed Trade Team Gains Insights at Good Farms and MS State
Nigerian aquaculture feed manufacturers are taking new ideas and inspiration back to Africa’s most populous country as a result of participating in ASA’s World Initiative for Soy in Human Health program’s educational trade team. USB Executive Committee Member Philip Good
WISHH Brings Multi-Continent Trade Team to INTSOY
The ASA’s World Initiative for Soy in Human Health program welcomed its largest trade team of the summer to the Northern Crops Institute’s INTSOY program last week. Business leaders from sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America, and Asia joined the trade team
WISHH, USB Sponsor Eastern Africa Regional Aquaculture Conference
The American Soybean Association’s World Initiative for Soy in Human Health Program sponsored the attendance of multiple African strategic partners at the Eastern Africa Regional Aquaculture Conference. WISHH partners from Ghana, Nigeria, Uganda, and Tanzania are attending the conference considering
WISHH & Yedent: Solving Nutrition Challenges in Ghana
A WISHH partner for nearly a decade, Ghanaian business Yedent came from humble beginnings to become a leader in food and feed production. As founder and CEO Samuel Ntim-Adu explains, WISHH and U.S. Soy have been a part of the
ASA/WISHH Updates USDA on Ghanaian Successes
Farmer leaders participating in ASA’s World Initiative for Soy in Human Health program delegation briefed USDA’s Foreign Agricultural Service in Accra, Ghana this month. The soybean growers from Illinois, Iowa, and Kansas presented FAS representatives with updates of WISHH’s activities