U.S. Soy Flour Plays a Key Role in Global Food Security

Building on ASA/WISHH’s United Soybean Board sponsored global food security dialogue, WISHH strategic partners Tiger Soy and Edesia Nutrition explain why U.S. soy packs the necessary protein for life-saving food packets across the world.

WISHH Presents Importance of U.S. Soy to Research Directors

The ASA’s World Initiative for Soy in Human Health program continued its work with the private and public sector to highlight U.S. soy’s global value by participating in the Association of 1890s Research Directors (ARD) Biannual Symposium in Nashville, Tennessee.

WISHH Expands Aqua Aeration Trials to Nigeria

ASA’s World Initiative for Soy in Human Health program began the installation of aeration equipment for trials in Nigeria last week at two aquaculture farms. The Nebraska Soybean Board has supported WISHH’s trials in sub-Saharan Africa, which have now expanded

Media Contact

Karen Coble Edwards


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