WISHH Perspectives

WISHH Leads Soy Food Festival in Ghana

Six people standing in a line on a stage with branded walls and screen in the background advertising Ghana's Soy Food Festival.
Mariano Beillard, Ph.D. USDA FAS Agricultural Counselor; WISHH’s Scott Gaffner; Rolf Olson, Deputy Chief of Mission, US Embassy Ghana, Samuel Ntim-Adu, CEO Yedent Agro; Dr. Solomon Gyan Ansah, Director of Crop Services, Ministry of Food and Agriculture, Ghana and WISHH ED Gena Perry attend the Soy Food Festival in Ghana.

ASA’s World Initiative for Soy in Human Health program led this year’s Soy Food Festival in Ghana, aimed at promoting the integration of soy products into daily diets. In collaboration with local partners, the festival highlighted soy’s potential to enhance nutrition, food security, and entrepreneurship in the region. Festival organizers showcased soy’s versatility for human nutrition, animal feed, and product applications.

Key members of the U.S. Department of Agriculture and U.S. Department of State attended the festival to show support of U.S. soy’s role in lifting economies in Africa. USDA FAS Agricultural Counselor Mariano Beillard, Ph.D., and the U.S. Embassy in Ghana’s Deputy Chief of Mission, Rolf Olson, stopped by to meet festival goers and learn more about WISHH’s work in the country.

Leading up to the festival, WISHH executive committee member Scott Gaffner, a soybean farmer from Illinois, made several media stops to promote the festival and U.S. soy. He noted through training programs, market research, and advanced technology, WISHH ensures that soy continues to be a valuable, accessible ingredient that boosts both local economies and nutrition.

“We are honored to assist companies in launching healthy new products and partner with organizations like the World Food Programme,” Gaffner said. He emphasized that WISHH, with support from USDA and checkoff funding, plays a pivotal role in bringing innovative, nutritious soy-based foods to Ghanaian consumers.”

United Soybean Board funding supported WISHH hosting a variety of festival events.

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