Agriculture Trade Promotion Activities Build Demand for U.S. Soy in Africa
Agriculture Trade Promotion (ATP) activities are well under way at ASA’s WISHH program. This year WISHH has conducted market research in East and West Africa
Agriculture Trade Promotion (ATP) activities are well under way at ASA’s WISHH program. This year WISHH has conducted market research in East and West Africa
WISHH’s Cephas Agbesi Tsikudo presented with USDA at the American Evaluation Association’s conference in Minneapolis recently on gathering data in Ghana. Read More.
ASA/WISHH honors the hard work of Ghana’s egg and poultry value chain strategic partners every day, and especially on World Egg Day, October 11. WISHH’s
A group of Ghanaian government officials, academics, poultry producers and feed millers attended the Arkansas Nutrition Conference where they networked with global industry experts. Read
Essential to grain trade, WISHH connected feed millers from both Cambodia and Ghana with educational resources in risk management. Read more…
Twelve strategic partners from across the globe attended WISHH training programs in the U.S. to learn more about soybean nutrition and technology. Read More…
ZFS Creston Soy Flour Sales Grow through ASA/WISHH Work in Central America and Africa
The nutritional benefits of soy are ringing through to business and government leaders in Central American and Africa who are demanding more soy flour from
AMPLIFIES Ghana Partner Isaac Sesi Wins MIT Innovator Under 35
ASA/WISHH’s AMPLIFIES Ghana project has successfully trained poultry and other farmers as well as feed millers to strengthen the poultry value chain in the West