WISHH Perspectives

ASA/WISHH Honored for Collaboration with SSGA

Asia Division Director Alan Poock receives the Advancing SSGA Alliance Honors Award from Rob Prather, SSGA Chair on behalf of ASA/WISHH. The award celebrates the many successful partnerships formed between the two organizations in 2022. Photo credit: SSGA

Specialty Soya and Grains Alliance awarded ASA’s World Initiative for Soy in Human Health Program the “Advancing SSGA” Alliance Honors Award at their annual meeting last week in Indianapolis.  The award acknowledges the collaboration between WISHH and SSGA as both organizations work together to promote identity-preserved soybeans to soymilk and tofu companies in Myanmar and Cambodia.  As the year comes to a close, SSGA and WISHH celebrated unprecedented alignment as the two partnered on numerous programs this year.

Throughout 2022, WISHH worked with SSGA on a watch party in Myanmar which featured SSGA University sessions. In addition, WISHH sent trade teams to attend the NCI June food procurement course, a Fork to Farm event in Minnesota, and the November U.S. Identity Preserved brand international launch in Vietnam.  These collaborations allowed soymilk and tofu companies in Myanmar and Cambodia to receive educational content and created opportunities to meet with SSGA members. Recruitment is underway for trade teams to attend the SSGA Identity Preserved International Summit taking place in January 2023. 

Funding for ASA/WISHH to participate in the SSGA activities was provided through the North Dakota Soybean Council and the USDA Agricultural Trade Program (ATP).

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Logo of World Initiative for Soy in Human Health