American Soybean Association President Josh Gackle has confirmed the election of ASA’s World Initiative for Soy in Human Health Program officers and committee members for the upcoming year. Officers are Iowa soybean grower Morey Hill as Chair, Craig Williams (IN) as Vice Chair, Bob Haselwood (KS) as Treasurer, and new to the WISHH Executive committee is Scott Gaffner (IL) who joins as Secretary.
“WISHH continues to grow and works in more countries than ever to develop long-term markets for U.S. soy,” Gackle said. “I am appreciative of the farmers who take this opportunity to lead the WISHH program.” In addition, Gackle praised outgoing WISHH Chair Roberta Simpson-Dolbeare (ASA-IL) for her many years of service to WISHH.
WISHH Executive Director Gena Perry also added a statement of gratitude for Simpson-Dolbeare while praising the new officers. “Roberta has traveled the world for WISHH throughout the years,” said Perry. “She has seen our projects grow and helped steer our expansion as we continue to develop long-term markets for soybean growers. The leadership she has brought to WISHH will be invaluable for the new executive committee moving forward.”
In addition, the WISHH offered a moment of recognition to George Goblish, a farmer from Minnesota, who is terming off the WISHH committee.
“Being on WISHH is one of the highlights of my career as a soybean grower,” noted Goblish. “I will certainly be supporting WISHH from afar back in Minnesota.”