WISHH Perspectives


Agriculture Trade Promotion Activities Build Demand for U.S. Soy in Africa

Agriculture Trade Promotion (ATP) activities are well under way at ASA’s WISHH program. This year WISHH has conducted market research in East and West Africa and implemented a series of technical servicing activities for aquaculture in West Africa, thanks to ATP support. Building a prosperous aquaculture industry is key to the strategy to increase U.S. soy exports to West Africa, as soy can play an integral role in the production of various aquaculture feeds. WISHH is also using ATP funds to explore new market opportunities in Togo, Burkina Faso, and Kenya and is organizing a business training for key stakeholders in Kampala, Uganda in November to continue to build strategic partnerships throughout the continent. Photo: In Ghana, much of the Tilapia is spawned in hapa cages like the one shown at this farm where WISHH provides technical servicing.

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Building Progress Together on World Egg Day

ASA/WISHH honors the hard work of Ghana’s egg and poultry value chain strategic partners every day, and especially on World Egg Day, October 11. WISHH’s AMPLIFIES (Assist in the Management of Poultry and Layer Industries with Feed Improvement and Efficiency

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