ASA/WISHH’s AMPLIFIES Ghana project has successfully trained poultry and other farmers as well as feed millers to strengthen the poultry value chain in the West African country and promote the use of soybeans in improved poultry nutrition. Through the USDA-funded project, many farmers learned the value that soy adds to poultry feed and are now starting to seek out soy as the protein content in their feeds. The project’s National Egg Campaign to promote egg consumption is helping meet Ghana’s protein needs while building demand and driving growth of future soybean exports to this emerging market. Beneficiaries have also adopted important post-harvest technologies that improve the ability of farmers to buy and sell safe, quality grains. To read more about the successes of AMPLIFIES, click here.
WISHH Launches New Website Section Dedicated to U.S. Soy’s Global Food Security Actions
USB Chairman Ralph Lott III’s Op-Ed helped kickoff the official launch of ASA/WISHH’s new website section. The site is highlights actions U.S. soybean growers are taking for global good security through the WISHH program. ASA/WISHH launched a new section of